



Dr. Shuji Funo

Naohiko Yamamoto


Preface---Background of the Project


It is in 1996 that Ministry of Construction(MOC) and Infrastructure Development Institute (IDI)-Japan started so called Echo-House project which intend to transfer the technologies related with passive solar system to Indonesia. But we have prehistory which leads it.

I(FUNO) came first to Indonesia in 1979 and met Prof. J.Silas at Building Research Institute in Bandung who came from Surabaya by chance. It was a fateful encounter because we began a joint research project on campaigns in Surabaya since then. We , Japanese team learned a lot from ITS team leaded by Prof. J. Sills and also from the camping field. I(FUNO)  wrote a paper titled 'Dominant Issues of Three Typical Kampungs@and Evaluation of KIP' for the seminar (Peran Perbaikan Kampung dalam Pembangunan Kota, KOTAMADJA SURABAYA ITS)  held at the city hall of Surabaya in which alternative strategies for urban renewal after KIP(Kampung Improvement Program) are discussed. (1) Conservation of the Base(positive characteristics) of Kampung , (2)People's Participation, (3) Small Scale Project, (4)Step by Step Approach, (5) Design of Prototype of Kampung House,  (6)Design of Rental House, (7)Arrangement of Dwelling Units,  (8)Flexible Building System which makes gradual extension possible, (9)Use of Local Materials and Establishment of Workshop that produce and sell building parts, (10) Land Sharing System, (11)Rolling Land System, (12)Co-operative Housing, (13)Arisan(money saving system by mutual aid) for House Improvement and Construction, (14)Maintenance System, (15)Guide Lines and Building Code are the focuses which we aimed at in it.

The Prototype of flats were designed based on the field studies and discussions,  and Rusun(Rumah Susun) Dupak and Sombo which are now well known as an Indonesian model of flats were realized. Prof. J. Silas was invited to many cities including Jakarta as an architect-plannner or adviser to prevail the model so called Kasun(Kampung Susun).

Then MOC-IDI gave us next step opportunity to refine the model according to the suggestion by Dr. Y. Kodama who is one of the members of organising committee of PLEA(Passive and Low Energy Architecture). Dr. Y. Kodama as the chair of PLEA-Japan held the 13th international conference at Kushiro City which is located in the northern part of Japan in January,1996. I(FUNO) was invited to that conference as one of the panelist and asked Dr. Y. Kodama frankly whom I know from the student times 'Why do you discuss only about the Eco cycle house in the cold area with high latitude ?  Do you think the Eco-house Model is more needed in the humid tropics? '  It is not  to say what Dr. Y. Kodama have done after the conference.

It is very lucky that N. Yamamoto, graduate student in doctorate course of Kyoto University who still lives in Surabaya to study the Madurese kampungs and colonial cities in Indonesia under the guide of Prof. J. Silas played a role of the project manager with the capable staffs of ITS leaded by Ir. Nastiti and Ir. Irvan.



I.  The Basic Concept of Surabaya Eco-house---Passive Cooling Technology


Eco-house was designed as a collective house model for Indonesia(the humid tropics) which basically follows the Kasun concept. Eco-house model is assumed to be built based on the some principles of KIP and after KIP program mentioned above.  Eco-house projects should be implemented according to the following policies. 

A.  Integrated Approach

B.  Community Initiative

C.  Participation

D.  Step by Step Approach

E.  Small Scale Project

F.  Self Build, Housing by Mutual aid

G.  Housing System based on Eco-system

H.  Appropriate Technology

I.  Housing as a Process

J.  Variety of Space


We use the following passive cooling technologies related with G and H above this time.  Skeleton infill building system are introduced in terms with C, D, F. and I. Using the natural resources like local materials(coconut fibre for insulation), solar energy, well water ....is the basic idea. Recycle system of garbage will be pursued more in the future.


A.  Double Roofing

B.  Windows and Outer-wall for Insulating Sunlight Heat

C.  Open Common Space---Cross Ventilation and Natural Lighting

D.  Ventilation Channels (Private Sections)

E.  Cold Storage by Night Ventilation

F.  Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System



II.  The Process of Construction

A. Process chart

Progress chart is shown as attached table. The building construction was completed by PT. PP. Taisei  Indonesia Construction, practically in five months excluding Lebaran holydays.

<1st month>

 [Temporary Works] install temporary fence,levelling soil, excavation relocation drainage, backfill existing drainage, make site office

 [Concrete Struc. Works] Works/fabrication rebar pile cap & tie beam

<2nd month>

 [Temporary Works]sight cleaning

 [Concrete Struc. Work] fabrication and install rebar column/rebar pile cap, fabrication pile cap water  tank, tie beam/beam 2nd Fl

 [Earth Work] levelling sandfill & compaction, excavation pile cap

 [Pile Work] pile driving/head cutting, dewatering pile cap

 [Wooden Struc. Work] fabrication frame door & window

<3rd month>

 [Temporary Works]site cleaning

 [Earth Work] soil diposal, excavation for tie beam,back fill

 [Concrete Struc. Work]installation bataco for formwork pile cap, setting rebar for pile cap/column/tie beam 1F,curing concrete, fabrication rebar for tie beam & column, concreting pile cap/tie beam, fabrication rebar for tie beam/column 2F,fabrication/setting formework for column

 [Wooden Struc. Work]frame door & window

 [Earth Work] soil diposal, excavation for tie beam,back fill

<4th month>

 [Temporary Works]site cleaning

 [Earth Work]back fill, excavation water tank

 [Concrete Struc. Work]fabrication/setting re-bar slab, beam/column 2F/slab, setting re-bar/formwork column 2F, fabrication/setting formwork for column 1F, setting support formwork slab & beam 2F/slab & beam 3F pouring/curing concrete slab & beam 2nd Fl, fabrication formwork column 2nd Fl, fabrication/setting re-bar/formwork/pouring concrete slab/ beam 3F, removal formwork slab & beam 2F/column 1F

 [Wooden Struc. Work]fabrication/setting wooden roof, setting embedded plate/box plate for wooden column 3F, setting wooden column/beam 3F

 [Floor Finishing Work]setting styrofoam under slab 2nd Fl

<5th month>

 [Earth Work]Excavation/dewatering water tank, Soil disposal

 [Pile Work]Pile cutting water tank

 [Concrete Struc. Work]Removal formwork slab/beam 3F/column 2F, Fabrication rebar stair/water tank, Setting formwork stair 1F-2F,Setting bataco formwork/rebar beam water tank, Setting rebar/Pouring concrete/Lean concrete pile cap/tie beam/bottom and top slab, Removal formwork stairs

 [Wooden Struc. Work] Setting roofing

 [Wall Work]Setting wooden wall 3F,Setting brickwall 2F/ 3F, Plastering wall 2F/3F, Rough plastering beam 2F

 [Ceiling Work]Setting cantilever

 [Fitting Work]Fabrication/Setting wooden window

 [Miscelianeous Work]Finish beam & slab (exposed ceiling), setting steel railing stair, wooden railing

 [Piping Work]Piping toilet & kitchen

 [Sanitary Fixture]Excavation/Setting/Pouring septictank & absorption

 [Solar Water Heater]Setting

 [Electoric Piping, Switch & Consent]ME

 [Cooling Water Circulation System]Setting wiremesh, polypropilene pipe/covering mortar 10cm 2F/3F

<6th month>

 [Temporary Work]Setting BRC fence/cover manhole, Romoval temporary fence, Cleaning remaining material from site location

 [Floor Finishing Work] Mortar at balcony, Finish floor common room, Finish side & bottom stairs

 [Wall Work] Painting wall, ceiling, door, roof truss & window

 [Ceiling Work] Painting cantilever concrete roof tile

 [Miscelianeous Work] Setting step nosing/skirting, Repair steel railing stair


 [Piping Work] Pipe shaft, Setting down spot & floor drain

 [Sanitary Fixture] Setting ceramic wall & floor tile, Setting hardware & sanitary

 [Electoric Piping, Switch & Consent] Excavation power cable, Lighting, Connection cable power

 [Cooling Water Circulation System] Setting water supply pum, Setting circulation water headerp


B. Number of total workers

Total working days are 162 days and total number of the workers are 3192 persons. This is almost equivalant to 20 workers a day on average. For the first 1 month, Number of wokers are less than 10 persons. During the 2 weeks from 4th month, when the site proceeded with the execution of concrete structure work, the number of the workers was the largest which amounts to 60 persons a day. After this period, the number of the workers decreased to some 30 persons a day.

As seen from the variety of work through total period of the construction, excluding unskilled workers (36%), concrete structure workers (27%: consists from re-bar worker14% and form worker13%)

is the largest, followed by carpenter(13%), brick layer(5%), pile worker(3%), paint worker(3%) and misc.finish worker(3%).



III.  The Method of Monitoring

A. Expected effects (Objects for evaluation)

1. Effect of the roof design (Double Roofing)

2. Effect of the Floor Slab (Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System)

3. Effect of the Cross-ventilation

4. Effect of the Cold Storage by Night Ventilation

5. Effect of the building as a whole

6. The rest: void in the floor slab of open common space, each room and others


B. Measurement pattern

Monitoring was implemented with the patterns as follows. There are five patterns depending on time schedule for opening and closing time for windows and Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System

1. Windows left open all day, with Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System

2. Windows closed all day, with Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System

3A. windows open from a.m.8:00 to p.m.5:00, with Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System

3B. windows open from a.m.8:00 to p.m.5:00, without Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System

4. Windows closed from a.m.8:00 to p.m.5:00, with Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System


The table below shows relationship between expected effects and measurement pattern.

                                     pattern1      pattern2     pattern3A     pattern3B     pattern4

Double roofing                    +                 +                  +                  +                  +

floor slab (A)                    +                 +                  +                  -                  +

floor slab (B)                    -                 -                   -                  +                  -

Cross ventilation                +                 -                  +                  +                  +

Cold Storage by -               -                 -                   -                  -                  +

Night Ventilation



C. Schedule for monitoring

Duration of the each pattern was 7 days (one week). The first two days was preparatory period to remove influence from last pattern. The data collected from 3rd day is used for analysis. A series of five patterns is considered as one cycle. Monitoring is repeated three cycles, which means that the whole period is 15 weeks.

In a cycle, order of patterns were planned as follows.

<1st week: pattern 3A> <2nd week: pattern 3B> <3rd week: pattern 4><4th week: pattern 1>

<5th week: pattern 2>

When the monitoring was started, it was only a month before the biginning of the rainy season. With this order, it was expected that data would be collected with minimum influence from rain or crowdy weather at least in the first cycle. In other words, the more effective the pattern was expected, the earlier it was inplemented.

D. Monitoring equipments and measurement points

There are mainly three kinds of equipments which were used in monitoring. The first one is temperature and humidity data collector called "Ondotori". "Ondotori" has a special sensor which can measure temerature and humidity of the air at the same time. The second one is the temperature data collector called "Data Collector". This equipment has so-called "T type thermocouple" for a wider use. The sensor can measure almost any kinds of temperature including air, surface and even water. The last thing is the solarimeter which can measure the amount of sunshine by recording an integrating voltage. The recording interval for all above mentioned equipments were set 10 minuits.

There is another equipment used in the monitoring called Assmann thermometer. Assmann thermometer can measure dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature, so that the relative humidity can be figured out with the conversion table. The data was compared with those from "Ondotori" and "Data Collector" to confirm if the error range would be acceptable.

Measurement points are indicated on the attached figure(In the figure, "OT" means Ondotori, "DC" for Data Collector and "KD" for Solarimeter). There are mainly four parts to be measured, namely Double Roofing, Open Common Space, rooms and water tank. On each floor, there are two rooms to be measured with intensive data collection on "northeastern room".  This is because of Surabaya's geographical location in the south latitude. Normally rooms located on the northern side have severe condition in terms of thermal environment.

In the northeastern room, Globe temperature is also measured. If the normal and Globe temprature do make difference, it could be concluded that Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System has been successful.



IV.  The Evaluation of Surabaya Eco-house---Results of the Passive Cooling

We started monitoring the thermal environment to verify the effect after completion of the model building in autumn 1998. Some facts are becoming clear though we continue to monitor the thermal conditions under various usage mode and weather conditions..


A.  Double Roofing@

    Heat-insulation effects of the roof are going to be ascertained. The effects of ventilating layers and heat-insulating materials(coconut fibre) are remarkable. Coconut fibre has good heat insulating properties and can be used for the insulation materials.

B.  Windows and Outer-wall for Insulating Sunlight Heat

C.  Open Common Space---Cross Ventilation and Natural Lighting

D.  Ventilation Channels (Private Sections)

E.  Cold Storage by Night Ventilation

    The concrete floor slab are expected to be cooled down by massive ventilation at night. The daytime temperatures are about 2 degrees lower than the case without any night ventilation.

F.  Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System.

    The effects depend on the temperatures of well water. It is natural the lower the temperature, the better the effect. The globe temperature observed on the second floor is lower than the normal temperature. Probably because rooms are rather closed by wall, floor and ceiling.



V.  The Future Program of Eco-house projects

    We would like to discuss the future program of Eco-house project. We can list the subjects  to be discussed.


A.  Next Program of Monitoring

1.  Various mode of usage

2.  The Effect of Outer Surface Covered Material



B.  Improvement of the Model

1.  Various Materials for the Outer-wall including the use of plant(the ivy?)

2.  Improvement  of  Windows and Outer-wall

3.  Improvement Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System

  New system using the heat in the œvaporisation?.

4  The Generation System of Electricity by Wind

5.  Improvement of the system for Cold Storage by Night Ventilation

 Cool Tube

6.  Towards a Autonomous(Echo-cycle) House:

 The energies and resources should be circulated as much as possible in the so called Autonomous house. We want to use nature as a energy resource as far as possible and a refuse and a œrejection to the full.. 




C.  How to use the Surabaya Eco-house

1.  Eco-house Research Institute? Centre for Eco-technologies?  What kind of subjects should we study for the next stage?

2. Centre for Eco-Education? To the local people and children What kind of program can we prepare?

3.  Extension



D.  How to prevail the passive cooling technologies

1.  Coconut fibre as a building material: It will be proved that coconut fibre has the efficiency. How do we prevail coconut fibre as a building material?  Can we get the users who are willing to use it?  What is the process of making coconut fibre insulation?

2.  Cost Analysis for . Circulating-Water Radiant Cooling System

3.  Individual House: Is it necessary to develop the detached house model?



E.  How to introduce the Eco-house into the Public Housing

1.  Model Housing Estate

 We have the possibilities to enlarge the project site towards the residential quarter model? 

2.  Kotamadja Surabaya

 a  The Construction of Model House as a public facility like Bale RW in each kampung

    b  Model Eco-Village

    c  Model Eco-Kampung

    d  Model Eco-New Town

3.  Perumunas

 a  Model Eco-house system based on the ecological balance in the region should be newly designed.

 b  Model Echo-New Town

4.  Ministry of Housing


5.  The other area in the Humid Tropics




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