



第三期JKKハウジング大学校 シンポジウム







1949年 島根県出雲市生まれ/松江南校卒/1972年 東京大学工学部建築学科卒

1976年 東京大学大学院博士課程中退/東京大学工学部建築学科助手

1978  東洋大学工学部建築学科講師/1984年  同   助教授 

1991  京都大学工学部建築系教室助教授




         『戦後建築論ノート』(相模書房 1981

                  『スラムとウサギ小屋』(青弓社 1985

                  『住宅戦争』(彰国社 1989


         『見える家と見えない家』(共著 岩波書店 1981

                  『建築作家の時代』(共著 リブロポート 1987

         『悲喜劇 1930年代の建築と文化』(共著 現代企画室)

         『建築計画教科書』(編著 彰国社 1989

         『建築概論』(共著 彰国社 1982

         『見知らぬ町の見知らぬ住まい』(彰国社  199106


         『戦後建築の終焉』(れんが書房新社 1995

         『住まいの夢と夢の住まい アジア住居論』(朝日選書 1997)等々





 ◇ハウジング計画ユニオン(HPU) 『群居』

 ◇建築フォーラム(AF)  『建築思潮』














  自己紹介 吉武51C→東洋大→地域生活空間計画 中高層ハウジング


    型こそ問題である 型こそが残る? ステレオタイプでいい??

    →戦後住宅は型を生みだしたか yes and/or no








   nLDK家族モデルの成立  公共住宅の住戸形式の変遷


   思考実験:ex 都市に寄生せよ:東南アジアのハウジングプロジェクト

    多様な住み方 多様な共同生活を可能にする型  型破りの型



    →住宅は保守的 惰性 慣性 

     農家住宅 床の間 続き間 

     起居様式 「椅子座」にせよ!というスローガン

   ある指針を提示したものが生き残る 定着する?



  プリミティブだけれど創意工夫に期待  先進諸国とは別の道



































Ⅳ アジアの都市型住宅





日本の住宅 戦後50年







  自己紹介 吉武51C→東洋大→地域生活空間計画 中高層ハウジング

 ・『日本の住宅 戦後50年』(資料5)というテキストをもとに話したい。






  農家住宅 市街化調整区域 Bシステム







  ex 都市に寄生せよ、逆噴射家族・・・  資料7

    家族の形と空間の形との基本原理    素材、構造もフリーに考えて問いたい




   ①基本的空間構成原理、型こそ問題である 型こそが残る


    →戦後住宅は型を生みだしたか yes and/or no





    多様な住み方 多様な共同生活を可能にする型  型破りの型


    標準型と変化型 伝統の型と地域の型 型の維持と新たな型の創出


    →住宅は保守的 惰性 慣性 


     床の間 続き間はなくならなかった

    戦後住宅の指針と起居様式 資料8

   「椅子座」にせよ!というスローガン 洋服に下駄履きは笑えぬ 文化生活の理想

   畳の否定 最もぶざまな下宿屋スタイル 最新!?「住宅読本」 追放された土間


 ・『日本の住宅 戦後50年』の構成と解説

   戦後日本の住宅ベスト10 日本の集合住宅ベスト10・・・資料9

   ある指針を提示したものが生き残る 定着する?


      わが住居遍歴 資料10・・・プロセスとしての住居

    vs 藤森照信の住宅遍歴

   若い世代:集合住宅育ち 多様な空間を経験していない



  nLDK家族モデルの成立  公共住宅の住戸形式の変遷


  思考実験+自己紹介:東南アジアのハウジングプロジェクト      スライド










  ①  床の間追放論 玄関廃止論 最小限住居 ワンルーム モダンリビング
















   ●新しい目標としての都市と住宅ーーー住宅改良雑感(後藤慶二)/社会    改良家としての建築家/市街地建築物法

      ●文化生活運動の展開ーーー住宅改良と文化住宅の理想/文化生活運動の    位相/









   ●ヒューマニズムの建築ーーー機能主義と素朴ヒューマニズム/近代建築    論争/計画化












   ●都市からの撤退--- 最後の砦としての住宅 自閉の回路






3 これからの住まい:日本の課題

    日本の都市 その死と再生(This is 読売 199602) 資料11




   nLDK家族モデル 空間化 容器 商品化=工業化





   家族形態の揺れ=多様化 女性の社会進出

   高齢化・・・単身者  コレクティブ・ハウジング






  歴史の原理:ストック 街並み景観


















  先端モデルの開発・・・ 点ではなく、面のモデル









   ◇集住の論理    住宅=町づくりの視点の欠如


              型の不在 都市型住宅



   ◇歴史の論理      スクラップ・アンド・ビルドの論理


            価格の支配 住テクの論理



   ◇多様性と画一性  異質なものの共存原理

              イメージの画一性 入母屋御殿

              多様性の中の貧困 ポストモダンのデザイン

              感覚の豊かさと貧困  電脳台所


   ◇地域の論理   大都市圏と地方




            人口環境化 土 水 火 木





    住機能の外化 住まいのホテル化 家事労働のサービス産業代替

    住宅生産の工業化 住宅と土地の分離    物の過剰

   ◇グローバルな視野の欠如 発展途上国の住宅問題


   ◇住宅問題の階層化 社会的弱者の住宅問題




Shuji Funo:Toーjou(Capital Town) and The Grid in Asia, Nagoya International Urban Design forum(名古屋世界都市景観会議) 1977, Nagoya, 7~9,Nov. 1997

 Shuji FunoTojou(Capital Town) and The Grid in Asia Nagoya International Urban Design forum(名古屋世界都市景観会議) 1977 Nagoya 7~9Nov. 1997


"To-jou"(Capital Town) and  The Grid in Asia

Dr. Shuji Funo

School of Architecture and Environmental Design

Kyoto University



 We can see the gridiron town planning all over the world,  past and present, in the East and the West. Many cities of the Greek and Roman world are based on an extremely regular plan derived from a regular grid of streets. But  there are areas that have no tradition of the gridiron. town planning. Generally speaking, Islam world has not such a tradition. The grid patterns in Asia are not only based on the orthogonal geometry. The whole form of the town is usually thought to be related to the specific in the region. S. Kostof  classifies the ancient cities in China, Korean peninsula and Japan as not "the grid" pattern but as "the diagram" pattern  in his well known book "The city shaped". This essay discusses the tradition of the grid plan in Asia, focusing on 'To-jou'(Capital Town).


1 The idea of To-jou in Asia

 The word 'To-jou' means city that is surrounded by city wall and is used to the ancient capital city in China, Korea and Japan. "To" means the capital and "Jou" means the castle in Japanese .I would like to define the word "To-jou" as follows , not limiting the Eastern Asia.

  That is, "To-jou" is the supreme city(capital city) as "To" and "Jou".

 "To" is the place where the king(the power) does the political and ceremonial affairs under the name of the dynasty. "Jou" is the place that military authority are situated in. The City wall or  moat symbolize the military power of "To".  The Japanese ancient "To-jou"s which  had not the wall are exceptions. The supreme city that is called "To-jou" is not only the primate city that ha biggest population in the state, but also the place of the power. The political, ceremonial, miritarl  affairs are based on the cosmology that is closely connected to the power in pre-modern ages. The form of "To-jou" as "Jou" of "To" was the expression of the complex of "power and cosmology".

 We can point out the following facts in terms of "To-jou"s in Asia.

 1. There are two areas in Asia in relation to power-cosmology complex. one is the area in which cosmology and philosophy that give the grounds and legitimacy of the dynasty reflects the directly concrete layout of the city. The other is the area in which we cannot necessarily find distinct relation between city form and cosmology.

  2. There are two cases, one case where the transcendental model of the ideal city exists and the real city form is considered as a metaphor of the model , the other where the real functional logic dominates the formation of the city. Eve in the former case, it is very rare that the idea is realized completely. The relation between ideal types and the city structure changes age by age.

  3. The ideal form of the city tends to be realized in the periphery of the urban civilization rather than its center(the origin).

 If we divide the world(A) that has the idea of "To-jou" as  the representation of its own cosmology and the world(B) that has no idea of "To-jou",  China and India belong to the world(A) and the Islam world belongs to the world(B). The boundary between (A) and (B) exists the line that connects Indian sub-continent, Tarim Basin and the Mongol plain. The Forestry Zone in Asia belong to the world(A) excepting the cool Temperate Zones.

 The ideas of "To-jou" which originate in China and India had prevailed and been accepted in their surrounding areas. The world(A) are divided into two parts, the center core(A1) that formed the idea and  the periphery(A2) that received it. The world(A1) and the world(A2) are formed in the vicinity of the two centers, central china and central India. Korea,  Japan and Vietnam are the areas that accepted the idea of ancient China. Southeast  Asia, not including north Vietnam is the area that accepted the idea of ancient India.


2 "To-jou"s  in China and India


  2-1 "To-jou"s in China

 There is a book "Shu-rai" that described the ideal city of "To-jou" in China. The basic principles are written as 'rectangular form', '3 gates in each side', 'the palace in the center', ''3 streets X 3 streets', 'the left is the place for ancestor and the right is the place for the Genius-loci', 'the front is palace and the rear is market' and so on. But,  there is  no example that realize the ideal form written in "Shu-rai".  Beijing(Daito the capital of Gen) looks similar to the "Shu-rai" model. It is interesting that the power not derived from Han dynasty follow the ideal form of Han tradition as the grounds of legitimacy.

 Great transformation occurred to "Chou an" in the ages from pre-Han dynasty to post-Han dynasty. The Palace of "Chou an" of pre-Han dynasty consisted of two parts, "Jou"(castle) in the southwest and " Kaku"(palace) in the northeast. The Emperor lived in "Mioukyu" in the southeast and received the subjects facing to the east(Sitting in the West  Looking to the East). This layout and orientation in the palace is said to be based on the same rule in the common house where the family head occupied the southwest corner. "Jou" and "Kaku" that make up "To-jou" are separated in "Chou an" of pre-Han dynasty. We cannot see the main axis of the city yet.

 The form of "To-jou" changed as the transcendent power of emperor were gradually established from pre-Han to post-Han dynasty, The form of ceremony in the palace changed from Sitting in the West and looking to the East to Sitting in the North and looking to the South. As the results, Palace moved to the north side of "To-jou". The central avenue("Suzaku") were constructed from the palace to the south as a central axis. This newly established form of the city influenced Japanese ancient "To-jou".


  2-2 "To-jou"s in India

 India has "Arthasastra" which describes the idea of the city. There are no ruins that reflects the ideal model of the city also in India. Ayodiya, the capital of Cosara kingdom, which is described in "Ramayana" seem isotype of the ideal model, so we can guess and confirm the idea of "To-jou" must have been existed in ancient India. Prof. T. Ohji reconstructed the ideal plan of "To-jou" in India better than other scholars.

 Jaipur is the good examples that realized the ideal model of "To-jou" though it was constructed by Jai Shin II in early 18th century. We have the theory that the form of Jaipur is based on "Prastara" which "Manasara" describes(F.B.Havell, B.B. Dutt). But, the numbers of gates and blocks(Chowkri) are different from the "Prastara" model(A. K. Roy). The system dividing the blocks is generally said to be nine square (3x3) system or 9x9 system of "Pursha Mandala". The problem is the trust southeast part called Topkhanahazri. Nine square is incomplete. The explanation is that in place of northwest block, the trust southeast block was constructed.

  The fact that the axis is declining 15°(crock wise) is being discussed.. Some scholars insist the swamps in the northwest and the slope of the land are the reasons(A. K. Roy). The other says that Jai Shin II declined the axis of major street to the direction of his constellation Leo(S. A. Nilson). Furthermore, it is said that the decline of the axis is to consider the path of window and to make shadows.(N. . Rajbanshi)。 There is a scholar who insists that the grid pattern of European Cities influenced the form of Jaipur on the grounds that a book of maps including many grid plans by Johan Baptista Homan had been published in Nu:runburg in 1726.(Aman Nas)。

  Though the ideal model are not realized in the real form of Jaipur, it is sure that Jaipur was constructed based on the idea of the Hindu city judging from the facts that Jai Shin II used "Prastara" pattern as the pattern of division of chowkri and laid Brahmapuri(Brahman quater) in the north parts of the city.


3 Acceptance of the Idea of "To-jou"


 3-1 "To-jou"s  in Japan

 The first "To-jou" is Fuziwara-kyo. The prototype is considered to be Chou an in Zui-Toh dynasty. But it is pre(pusued) "To-jou" that has only palace in the center. What is interesting is that Fuziwara^kyo already has the main north-south axis. The idea of "To-jou" in China were introduced into Japan very soon. As the Yamato-dynasty got the power more and more, the "To-jou" was established. The Hei-jou-kyo(Nara) is the establishment of Japanese "To-jou". The methods of urban planning differs during the transitional process from Hei-jou-kyo, Nagaoka-kyo  to Heian-kyo(Kyoto)

 The width of streets are the same .North-south major avenue is called "Suzaku-Ohji" and East-west avenue is  called "Nijou-Ohji". Except these inter crossing two major avenue, ohjis(large streets) and kohji(small streets) are running like a gridiron. But the block dividing systems called "Jo-bo-sei" are different in three cities. "Sin-sin" system of measurement is used in  Fuziwara-kyo and Hei-jou-kyo.  On the other hand, "Utinori" measuring system is used in Heian-kyo. The size of the land differs in Fuziwara-kyo and Heijou-kyo according to the width of the street the compound is connected to but the block is divided as the size of the land unit will be the same in Heian-kyo. In case of Nagaoka-kyo, "Utinori" system is adopted in the area surrounds palace and "Sinsin" system is still used in other parts. The land division system called "Henusi"  system was newly introduced in Nagaoka-kyo partly.

 The idea of Japanese "To-jou" was completed in the planning of Heian-kyo but the whole formation was not complete in the beginning. When Heian-kyo became the permanent capital(around 810), "Sa-kyo"(left side of the city) had been developed more than the other parts. In the middle age, Kamakura era, Kyoto were consisted of precinct of temples and "Tyou"(town). Kyoto and Kamakura were double capitals during the era. After the civil war called Ohnin-no-ran the dual structure of the upper town(Kamigyo) and the down town(Simogyou) were planned into the integrated one. During Toyotomi age, the structure of the city was changed to be the castle town. Hideyosi reformed the block system and built city wall called "Odoi". The ancient grid plan based on "Jobo-sei" system was changed and variously occupid age by age.


 3-2 "To-jou"s in South East Asia

 We have not much information of "To-jou"s in South East Asia. Especially, we are not familiar with the block systems. But it is obvious that the regions accepted the idea of "To-jou" in India. The forms of Angkor Tom, Sukothai and Ayutayaseem to reflect the idea of the city in India.

 Angkor Tom is said to follow the Dandaka type "Mayamata" among "Silpasastra" describes and the idea of the city "Arthasastra" explains at the same time because the center is the sacrad area and palace is locatede in the north..

  The reconstruction plan of Sukothai shows both the palace and the temple  are located in the center. The form symbolize that the power of dynasty catch up the religiouspower. In Ayutaya period, The great axis runs from the front of palace to the East and Big temples are built on both sides of the central axis. That is the same pattern of Chou an in Zui-Toh dynasty.


4 Cakranegara  a Unique Hindu City in Lombok (Indonesia)

  Cakranegara is a very unique city that is based on grid plan. I will describe here the formation of Cakranegara and guess the idea in the beginning. Cakranegara was built as a colonial city of Karangasem Kingdom in Bali. What influences we can identify from the form of Cakranegara?


 4-1 Streets system and land division

 The streets in Cakranegara are divided into three categories. Theses are called marga sanga, marga dasa, marga. Marga in Sanskrit means street and neighborhood unit in India. Sanga means 9 as we guess Nawa  Sanga that is 8 cardinal points plus center and dasa means 10 in Bali. Marga sangas are the broadest streets that cross at the city center The street JL. SLI Hasanudin runs from south to north, the street JL.Selaparang from east to west accurately. The second level road marga dasas divide the block and marga divide the block into housing sites. We look for the place at which old walls are preserved area and surveyed the width of the streets and the sizes of pekarangan(house compounds).

 The average length (east-west) of pekarangans surveyed is 26.05, the maximum 30.44m, minimum 25.08m. The average length(north-south) of the pekarangan compounds surveyed is 24.53m, the maximum 26.84m, minimum 21.55m. The average area of the unit is about 624m2(26m×24m).

  According to the former teacher, Mr.Lala Lukman, the size of pekarangan planed is 25mx25m. The unit Of measure tombahad been used that is the length of spear around 2.5m. The planned length of unit is 10 tomba. Mr.Ide Bagus Alit, an elder (Pengusap) in Cakranegara,says the area of 1 pekaranganis 8 are (800m2) and square. There is another information by Mr.P.Jelantic that the size of pekarangan is 6   are(600m2). On the basis of our survey, We consider that the sis of pekarangan was roughly planed by a unit of 25mx25m(10tombax10tomba)though 26mx24.5m is the average.

  As for the width of the streets, we included the width of tagtaganthat is the plant space adjacent to both sides of the streets. According to the informants above, there is plant space called tagtagan that belongs to the king between tembok(brick) wall and the edge of the road. The width of tagtagan was about 5m,but was made narrower because the Chinese had bought it for commercial place during 1867-8. Tagtagan space had many functions.People used the space for upacara (festivals) because the king prohibited uupacara within the pekarangan.People planted trees like coconut, sugar palm, etc.; since adat (the traditional common law )had permitted the personal use.

  Now, almost all the tagtagan space along the marga sanga is used for shops managed by Chinese and those along marga dasa and margas are involved into pekarangan in many cases. Our survey says that the width of marga sanga(east-west) is 36.52m, marga sanga(north-south), 44.05m. The average width of marga dasa is 17.14m; the most frequent figure is 18m that we guess is the planed number. The average width of marga is 7.75(about 8m).The widths of tagtagans are 11.63(marga sanga) and4.6(maarga dasa).

  We conclude from data above that the size of block is 250mx250m(100tombax100tomba:square).The length(east-west) is 250m(pekarangan 26mx8=208mmarga 8mx3=232mmarga dasa 9mx2=250m).The length(north-south) is 250m(25mx10).


 4-2 The Organization of Neighborhood Unit - karang

  The block surrounded by marga dasa seems to have had been a neighborhood unit from the view of physical urban planning. The community unit called karang is still base on the streets system though there are very few examples that one block corresponds to one karang. The elder(informant) says the neighborhood unit that is also called marga is consisted of 10x2 household units along marga. Two margas are unified to 1 kriang that means the head of banjar(community) in Bali. And 2 kriangs are unified to 1 karang that is, karang is consisted of 80 household units that occupy one block.

  Karang corresponds to RW (rukun warga) as today's unit of administrative organizations that is consisted of several RTs (rukun tetangas).Hindus in Bali use the term banjar in place of the term karang. Balinese in Cakranegara use the term banjar for community unit and the term karang for the unit of land. Karang is the unit of groups originated from the same native land.


 4-3 Puras and Karangs

  The informant who is managing and maintaining the facilities of Pura Meru teaches us the following important fact. people from the same village in Bali had lived in the same karang . And there were 33 karangs in the beginning of the construction of Cakranegara each of which had each pura and chief.

  We can find over 33 karangs now in Cakranegara and each karang has not necessarily one pura. The central biggest and impressive Hindu temple Pura Meru is next to Pura Mayura and along JL.Selaparang(marga sanga).Pura Meru dedicated to Brahmana, Vishnu and Siva, was built in1720 by the king of Karangasem, Agung Made Ngurah, to unite the all Balinese small kingdoms in Lombok. The site surrounded by tall brick wall is divided into three parts, Bhur(the earth), Bwah(the human world), Swah(the heaven), from west to east. That composition symbolizes the structure of space that is also divided into three parts. There are candi bentar (entrance); a watch tower called Bale Kulkul at the east corner; a holy tree beringin trees are at both sides of an approach in Bwah, the center. There are many buildings including three towers in Swah, the deepest sanctuary; the most important quarter located in the East. The tower dedicated to Siva at the center  has 11 roofs. The major structure of the tower is made of Nunka; Jackwood curved and thatched by alang-alang. The tower dedicated to Vishnu at the North has 9 roofs And the tower dedicated to Brahmana at the South  has 7 roofs. The latter two are thatched by roof -tiles. Enclosing three towers there stand 33 small shrines (14 on the north side, 16 on the East(back)side, 3 in front of towers). The name of each small shrine is derived from the name of karang that has been maintaining the building.

  We cannot find all the karangs that is listed on the name plate of the 33 small shrines in Pura Meru. We barely identified 27 Puras and Karangs. Some karangs had disappeared. We discovered one pura at the city ,Kederi that is located at the South of Cakranegara.Themajor part of Cakaranegara had been largely demolished once by Dutch. Therefore, it is very difficult to reconstruct the original form. We can consider that the distributions of Puras show the original area of the city. If the karangs  outside the central grid that are maintaining small shrines at pura Meru did not move, we have to recognize there should have existed Balinese quarter outside the grid area. Which is interesting is the area called Pura Anggan Telu in the south that area had been planned in the beginning of the foundation. There are Pura Jero at the North, Pura Seraya and Pura Sweta at the East. The areas stuck out at the north and south part of the city are thought to have had been planned from the beginning.

  The number of 33 that we often find in South East Asia, is a special number in the context of  the Buddhism and Hinduism. People believe 33 gods live in Mt. Meru. There are paradises in the slope of Mt.Meru and in the second paradise 33 gods are living The number of governmental officers and offices were limited to 33. Pura Mayura has 33 fountains. The southern part of Cakranegera is consisted of 32(4x4x2)block. If we add the palace block,  total number of blocks becomes 33. We consider that the original concept of the city planning involves the whole area should be consisted of 33 karangs, community unit.










1 都城思想とアジア











2 中国とインドの都城


  2-1 中国の都城





  2-2 インドの都城




 ジャイプルの都市形態が『マナサラ』のプラスタラに基づくという説がある(F.B. Havell, B.B. Dutt)。 しかし、門の数、幹線街路によって区切られる街区(チョウクリ)の数などプラスタラの形態とは明らかに異なる(A. K. Roy)。


  グリッドが時計回りに15度傾いていることも様々な解釈を生んできた。北西部にある沼地および地形の傾きがその理由であるという説がある(A. K. Roy)。また、ジャイ・シンⅡ世の星座である獅子座の方向にあわせて傾いているという説がある(S. A. Nilson)。さらに、軸線の傾きは、日影をつくり、風の道を考慮したためだという説がある(N. Rajbanshi)。

 グリッド・パターンについては、ヨーロッパの諸都市の影響があると主張するものもある。ジョハン・バプティスタ・ホマンの地図がニュルンブルグで1725年に出版されており、数多くのグリッド・パターンの都市図が掲載されていることを根拠にしている(Aman Nas)。

  確かに、『アルタシャストラ』の理念型がそのまま実現しているわけではない。チョウクリの分割パターンとしてプラスタラ・パターンが用いられていること、王宮の北方にブラーフマ・プリの存在があることなどから、ヒンドゥー理念に基づいて建設されたことは間違いないところである(T. Ohji)。


3 都城思想の受容


 3-1 日本







 3-2 東南アジア





4 チャクラヌガラ



 4-1 街路パターンと宅地割

 チャクラヌガラの街路体系は3つのレヴェルからなっている。街路は広いものから順に、マルガ・サンガ marga sanga、マルガ・ダサ marga dasa、マルガ margaと呼ばれている。サンガは9、ダサは10を意味する。マルガ・サンガはチャクラヌガラの中心で交わる大通りである。このマルガ・サンガは正確に東から西・北から南に走り、四辻を形成する。そして、マルガ・ダサが各住区を区画する通りであり、マルガが各住区の中を走る通りである。


 古老によれば、「プカランガン(屋敷地)の計画寸法は25m×25mであり、宅地を測る単位としてトンバ tomba がある。トンバは槍の長さであり約25m、25mというのはその10倍である。」。また、「1プカランガンは8アレ are800㎡)であり、正方形である。」という。「1プカランガンは6 are 600㎡)である。」と異説があるが、実測では25m×25mの正方形のプカランガン(屋敷地)は存在せず、当初からほぼ26m×24mで計画されたものと考えられる。



 4-2 住区構成---カラン






 4-3 祭祀施設と住区構成



 建設当初は、存在したが、時代の経過によりその住区組織自体が消滅し、現在は存在しないプラも確認された。また、祠を維持管理する住区はチャクラヌガラの格子状の都市計画地域外にも存在することが明らかになった。プラ・メルの小祠を維持管理する住区が変化していないのであれば、格子状の区域外にもプラ・メル建設当初から、バリ人の住区があったことになる。プラの分布を見ると、古老のいう1ブロックが1カランとなるものも多く、各カランに1つのプラという対応関係は見られない。興味深いのは、南のアンガン・トゥル PURA ANGGAN TELU である。この地域は中心部と同様の町割りがなされている。当初から計画されたとみていい。北は、プラ・ジェロがあり、東はプラ・スラヤがあり、プラ・スエタがある。チャクラヌガラはオランダとの戦争で一度大きく破壊されており、必ずしも現状からは当初の計画理念を決定することはできないが、プラ・メルに属するプラの分布域がおよそ当初の計画域を示していると考えていいと思われる。






























 事例の多くアジアのフィールドから取り上げているけれど、ターゲットは日本の住まいだ。帯のコピーは「家は持ち家に限るのか? 広いに越したことはないのか? 東南アジア各地で営まれる貧しくて楽しい「住」のあり方が垣間見せる生き生きとした住まいの夢」とうたう。これまた恥ずかしい。主旨を簡潔に言えば、その通りだけれど、それだけなら読まなくてもわかってしまう、という気がしないでもない。


 ところで、拙著の「あとがき」に「夢に現れる場所や空間に興味を持ち、克明に夢の記録をとり続けた建築家の話を聞いたことがある。その建築家によれば、採集した夢のほとんどが住宅を舞台とするのだという。しかも、その大半が生まれ育った住まいだという。」と書いた。実は、その建築家とは、吉武泰水(神戸芸術工科大学学長 建築家)、横山正(東京大学教授 建築家)の両先生である。四半世紀前、小さな会合でその両先生の「夢」の話を聞いたことがあるのである。

 その両先生が、拙著より一足先に『夢の場所・夢の建築』(吉武泰水著 工作舎)を刊行された。相前後しての出版だったので、引用することができなかった。残念というか、恐れ多い。こちらは、二〇年足らず、アジアの現実の住まいを見てきただけだけれど、吉武先生の本は二五年にわたる夢の記録が基になっている。徹底した「原記憶のフィールドワーク」である。本当の「夢」の話である。「夢」に出てくる場所や建築の話である。拙著のタイトルに気恥ずかしくなるのはそれ故にである。夢といいながら、「夢」を論じないのは詐欺に等しい。



 今度の本についても沢山の貴重な批評を頂いたのだが、ぐさりときたのが、拙著と吉武先生の著書をほぼ同時に手にした、稲垣栄三先生(東京大学名誉教授 建築史)のコメントだ。
